Monday, March 1, 2010


Why are there sooooo many freakin stupid people out there?????

I know of a couple in particular and I just want to scream and kick em' in the head.

ugh, some people just make me SICK!!!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have so many things right now that are just irritating me, so bad that it makes me want to jump out of my skin.

Maybe if I start coming here more often and actually jotting things down I won't feel so annoyed all the time.

Anywho, I will certainly try and blog a little bit more and add some pictures. Now that we don't have a webpage anymore, this will have to be it.

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey there, I hope that everyone is enjoying the fall so far. The weather has certainly been kind of funky around here lately.

I know it has been a while since I've posted anything, life has felt so crazy for me and I'm just wore out.

As you may or may not know, my dad passed away Sept 8th, so Bill and I have been working on getting his house cleaned out so that we can get it ready to sell. It has been a lot of work. We are currently just getting bids on painting and flooring and then we will decide who all we will go with and what we will have done.

We are all doing ok.
Hailey is loving kindergarten, and I love it too. We walk to and from school everyday so that has been and good exercise...and I can have that parent/teacher connection every day vs just at parent teacher conferences and stuff, so thats nice. I also volunteer, once a month for now and I'm hoping to up that here soon. We are in a small school and it just feels very homey to me so thats good.
Joshua is being your typical boy, into everything and testing his limits. He looks forward to walking with me to get his sissy. He is such a big boy and amazes us everyday with everything that he does. He's very smart.
Bill is working hard. He worked from home for almost a month, with a few visits into the office...while we were going through the care process for my dad. It was nice that his job allows him to do that and that his boss supported both of us through it all. He hasn't had to take any business trips in a few years so that has been nice.
I'm hangin in there. I am tired majority of the time and trying really hard to get caught up on my own stuff here at home. Hopefully I can get there soon. I just feel super busy all the time even if nothing is going on..does that make sense? It's just crazy.

Thats about it in a nutshell for now. I"m gonna try to post more often, I know I"ve said that before, but I really am going to try. Maybe, just maybe it will help to clear my mind sometimes.

Have a great day!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Life's curveballs!

Hey everyone, I promise that I"m not trying to skip out on you. Our family just got thrown the biggest curveball ever and so I"ve been a little busy.

Please send us some prayers for us and my dad. Please help me to stay strong and do what I have to do to make this easy for him. I will go into more details about all that at a later time.

Thank you for your patience with me, as right now with the remodel, which is a whole other story and then my is just a blur right now.

Much love

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Checking in

I haven't disappeared quite yet, we have been busy. I need to do some asking around on how I can get more than one picture on here at a time. I have some I want to post, but can only get one on if you can help me out, let me know.

Not much going on here, yes we are busy doing some home projects but thats about it. So far so good and we are having fun so that helps.

We are not going to take a big vacation this year so that has kind of been a relief. We might try to get away as a family for a weekend, but we haven't decided yet. Right now we have a few other things that we would like to get done, we are motivated right we are just going to jump in and get them done.

I hope that everyone is having an awesome July so far...I can't believe its half over already. Only 6 more weeks before my little girl enters big girl school, and the day before I have a little boy who will be turning 3. Yikes!!!!! I'm excited about it all though.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The 4th of July

I hope that everyone had a great but safe time over the 4th. We had family in from California for a few days so that was fun. We lit off some fireworks and bbq'd so everything was nice.

However, my daughter, freaks out at every loud noise she hears. Not sure why, but she has done this since day one. So she did not enjoy any part of the fireworks display.

And as much as I miss my puppies, Squirt and JitterBug, I'm sooo glad they don't have to be afraid of the noise anymore.

Hope your week is going well.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June is over

Wow I can't believe that today is the last day of June....where did it go?

We have gotten a few things done this month so that is good, I"m anxious to see what July will be like.

We went Cherry picking a couple weeks ago, that was fun. The kids seemed to have a great time as well. The orchard was HUGE and just had a peaceful feeling to it.